Sunshine Read online

Page 7

  “Rainbows and unicorns.” I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Very funny, I was thinking about how we haven’t seen anyone else. Where is everyone? Seriously we should have run into someone by now. They can’t all be dead.”

  “I’ve been thinking the same thing. I’m sure there are still other humans out there. We haven’t covered a huge amount of land. I’m honestly not sad though that we haven’t met others yet.”

  “Why not? I miss people. Don’t get me wrong you are splendid company,” I rolled my eyes,” but I miss having others around. Maybe they have information that we don’t.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you. I have a feeling meeting others would turn out badly. I’d rather we just stick together.”

  He wanted us to stay together.

  “How is Sunny?”

  “His fever is breaking. I’m still very worried though. He’s too little to be fighting off such a big infection.”

  “He is a tough little monster.”

  “Yes he his. I think this place will help. He can rest and regain his strength. I like it here as well. It makes me feel safe.”

  “I can’t stand it.”

  “Why don’t you like it?”

  “It reminds me of when I was a kid. My mother would send me to church with my elderly neighbor. She went every single day. My mother wasn’t concerned about me being educated about God. She made me go so she could get drunk in peace. Well that was until my Dad came home and beat the shit out of her.”

  “I’m sorry, that sounds horrible.”

  He was silent for a bit.

  I didn’t know what else to say. The last time he had opened up he gave me the silent treatment for far too long. So I blurted out the first think that came to my mind.

  “I think you need a new shirt. That one looks like it’s going to rip if you flex.” No! Holy hell I did not just say that. He was just talking about his abusive alcoholic parents and I’m talking about his rock hard body.

  Apparently it was the right thing to say though, because he started to laugh uncontrollably and I soon joined in.

  “Well thank you for noticing. I better take it off before it is ripped to shreds maybe you could wear it now.” He took his shirt off in one fluid movement and threw it at me like I was in a male strip club.

  “Thanks too bad it smells like a barn.” That was a lie it smelled better than a fresh box of crayons.

  This was bad. I was in a church thinking about doing sinful things to possibly the last man on the earth. He was annoying and ignorant, anyways I didn’t like him that way. I was just desperate.

  “Well I took my shirt off now it’s your turn.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I really wanted too. The sexual tension was intense.

  He must have sensed it to, because he scooted over on the bench.

  My heart started to race and my breath became shallow. He placed his hand on mine and it felt softer then I had imagined. However, just as I was about to turn towards him I heard a noise that brought me back into the real world. Sunny was moving and within seconds he was crying.

  Marcus jumped up, grabbed his gun, and headed up the stairs without a word. I picked up my son and gave him another small dose of cold medicine and a bottle. He didn’t touch the bottle. He also felt slightly cold to me, so I wiped the sweat from his skin and wrapped him in a fresh blanket.

  He simply stared at me for a long while. I sang anything I could think of and he finally fell asleep yet again.

  I lay down beside him hoping my body heat would warm him up. As I laid there I couldn’t get the thought of Marcus out of my mind. There had definitely been a moment there, but I was unsure what it meant.

  He was my family now, but I didn’t know what to define him as. He was basically Sunny’s father now. He wasn’t my friend in the normal sense we simply seemed to have the same goal of keeping Sunny alive and we barely ever talked about anything but that. It was like we simply coexisted together. I had always felt physically attracted to him. God I’m sure every woman that had ever met him did, but his personality was a huge deterrent.

  Maybe he wasn’t as bad as I had thought. He did love Sunny and he kept us safe. But I definitely had butterflies in my stomach as I thought of him. That night I dreamed of a world colored robin’s egg blue.

  Chapter 20

  The Hospital

  I was awoken by being violently shaken. “Emma, wake up. Emma.” Marcus was screaming into my ear.

  “What’s wrong?” My heart was now racing and I was on high alert.

  “It’s Sunshine. He’s barely moving. His breathing is very shallow and there’s a red rash.” I could see the panic in his eyes and I knew this was very serious.

  I looked into his arms and my heart dropped. I gently grabbed him from him and placed him down between my legs.

  This act should have stirred him. I rubbed his cheek and he did nothing. He felt warm again and as I unwrapped him from the blanket I saw the rash on his neck, it covered his entire stomach. This hadn’t been there last night.

  “What do you think it is?”

  I had a hunch so I opened his mouth checking the back of his throat. He normally would have never let me do this. The fact that I was able to without him fighting back was horrifying.

  There I saw what I had feared.

  “What is it?” Marcus was frantic.

  “It’s just a hunch. A very weak one as I’m obviously not a doctor. In college I took a microbiology class. We had to make this health pamphlet about a disease. I got strep throat. The symptoms I remember are a fever, loss of appetite, rash and red or white patches in the back of the throat. He has all of those. I think he had a cold and it lowered his immune system so he contracted step.”

  “Well what do we need, antibiotics?”

  “Yes I think penicillin. But I haven’t told you the worst part. Strep throat is deadly without medicine. His rash looks like it’s turned into scarlet fever.”

  “Scarlet fever, what the hell is that?”

  “I don’t remember, but I know it can turn into kidney failure and it eventually makes its way to the heart. Even if I’m wrong he still needs antibiotics now.”

  “Well I’ll pack everything up and you get Sunny ready. We need to change course. No more back roads, we are going into the city. They still have medicine in the big hospitals I guarantee it. I’m going to be back as soon as I find us a vehicle.”

  “Ok” I changed Sunny and wrapped him up. I pulled out the only map we had and discovered the nearest big city. Looks like Baltimore it is.


  Marcus had found us a working car and after a two hour drive that seemed like an eternity we made it to the city. We followed the hospital signs and found a building mostly made of broken windows; Stiller’s Center of Technological and Medical Arts. It was sad that technological came first.

  Marcus was on high alert. The city looked like a bomb had gone off. I’m sure in those first few days the streets had looked just like the ones in Cleveland. We didn’t see any Jacks, but he believed they were hiding everywhere.

  Sunny’s condition hadn’t changed. He was still very lethargic and he had vomited. Our plan was to stick together. Marcus now had two hand guns and was going to act as our bodyguard. I would carry Sunny with my in a sling on my back as I looked for medicine. I knew to avoid the technological areas as they would be useless. We needed good old medicine. I couldn’t believe how much of a rarity it was.

  We headed inside very quickly. This place felt too eerie to me. Inside we found a directory. It said the pharmacy was on the fourth floor. The ground was covered in debris and it smelled of death. I could see bones sticking out here and there. I made a mental note to pick up masks if I find them, the air had to be bad to breath.

  We quickly located the stair well, however, it was blocked. On the map we could see another one a few hallways away. Marcus was in full Army mode. He rounded every corner with his
gun at the ready and once the room was clear we motioned me to move.

  Thankfully the next stairwell was open and seemed safe. On the fourth floor we opened the doors to a world of pink. We were in the maternity ward. I couldn’t help but stop at the window that looked into the newborn room. The hospital cribs were all knocked over and in one I saw a very small hand knitted hat. I had to choke back the tears and remind myself I couldn’t save that baby it was long gone, I had my baby on my back that needed me right now.

  Finally we made it to the Pharmacy. The halls were still thankfully silent. He knocked down the door and inside was not as I had expected. I thought it would be like your local pharmacy use to be. No it was just cabinets with a small touch screen on the front. There didn’t have handles or even a key hole. There was no way we were going to get in. The power was out and we had no code.

  “Marcus, what do we do now?”

  He put one bullet through the screen. Sunny didn’t even react. The hole it made was big enough to fit a piece of metal in that Marcus had found on the floor and he worked it open in ten minutes.

  This was a cabinet of gold and diamonds. I found eight different kinds of antibiotics. I went for the liquid penicillin shot. They weren’t cold, but I hoped they would still be good.

  “Marcus do you think they have a medical library or something? I don’t know how much to give him.”

  “Umm, I have no idea. Let’s look around.”

  We went through the back room, but found nothing that would help.

  “Can we head back to the maternity ward? I’m sure there will be supplies for him.”

  We found a delivery room and hunkered down for a bit. Marcus wanted to leave right away, but I needed to take care of my baby. I found him some new blankets, diapers, and clothes. There was even a thermometer that was solar powered. After a few seconds on the windowsill it was good to go, it showed he had a temperature of 104.3 degrees.

  I did my best rendition of a doctor. I wiped his arm with the iodine wipes, stuck the needle in the bottle gave it a flick, and pushed some of it out. Finally I put it in his arm and injected what I hoped would be a good dose. I then changed him and wiped him off with some baby wipes. This place had an amazing amount of supplies.

  “How is he? Is it going to work? Are you sure you gave him enough?”

  “I don’t know. But I don’t want to leave this place yet. I’m going to lay with him in the bed.”

  Chapter 21

  Save One and Lose the Other

  By dawn his temperature was down to 102.5 and the next morning it was now 99.3. He was now eating and his rash was slowly lightening. He was still obviously sick, but he was definitely getting better. We were still in the hospital. Marcus had us well stocked with any supplies we would need and we still hadn’t seen a Jack.

  Marcus was being very affectionate. I think he thought we were going to lose Sunny. I even saw a few tears in his eyes the first night as Sunny was burning up in his arms. This morning I even awoke to him curled up around us on the very small bed.

  “I think we should get going soon. I don’t like it here, now that Sunny is getting better.” I looked at my son and his skin was now getting some color back.

  “Finally something has come out of your mouth that I agree with.”

  “We should gather up everything we want to take with us. We should definitely grab some antibiotics so history doesn’t repeat itself.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  By nightfall the car was loaded up, but neither of us felt safe leaving till morning.


  Shortly after the sun had set the silence was broken. There was some sort of banging in the air. It could have been anywhere, because of the echo. We looked out the window and could see nothing. Then the sound got louder and I instantly recognized it was an engine. These weren’t Jacks these were people, real live people.

  “Be quiet don’t make any noise, just let them drive on.”

  “Are you crazy? I want to meet them and talk to them.” He grabbed my arm and forced me back down.

  “You’re not going anywhere. You don’t know if they are good or bad. I rather we not take that risk.”

  “Marcus, please? I beg you. I know you don’t like others, but I have no reason not to. Please?” he stared me down, but I held my ground.

  “Fine, you two stay here. I’ll go down and talk to them. Don’t move until I come and get you. Do you hear me? Do nothing until I come and get you.” He kissed Sunny on the forehead and then me on the cheek. I instantly blushed.

  “Be nice.”

  I went over to the window and looked out just as a huge Hummer and two trucks came into view. They didn’t stop until they noticed Marcus standing with his gun at the ready.

  The door opened and four men jumped out of the hummer followed by three others from the trucks. I couldn’t see any women or children. They were also holding massive guns and they were all sighted in on Marcus.

  There was a lot of shouting, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. I felt as if I could throw up. They didn’t appear friendly and I had forced him to go down and greet them. I knew we were safe, they would never find us in this big hospital and Marcus would never give our location away.

  It appeared they were gesturing for him to lower his gun and get down. This was something I knew Marcus wouldn’t do, he was a fighter. He still held his gun up and ready to fire. A shot wrung out and I saw blood squirt out from Marcus. I had to put my hand over my mouth. He had been hit in his right arm and had pulled the trigger before he was struck. It hit the guy in the front and I could see his face was now gone.

  Marcus was now on the ground his gun at his feet. The men approached him and one punched him very hard in the stomach. Why was he not fighting back?

  They continued to beat him and finally pulled out some rope and threw him into the back of their Hummer. The convoy drove off quickly. I wanted to run after them, but I knew I couldn’t. There was nothing I could do. I had just lost him forever. It was entirely my fault.

  I looked out at the window and the only evidence of the crime that was committed was some blood on the ground, tire tracks, and Marcus’s cowboy hat that had fallen off in the beating.

  Chapter 22


  It took me awhile to finally come back too. I was in such shock. Sunny was crying in my arms and trying to get free. He must sense my turmoil. What are they going to do to him? Why would they shoot him and then take him? He hadn’t fired first so they had no reason to react as they had. They were obviously not the good people I had imagined. When there are so few of us left I thought everyone would appreciate the rarity of seeing one another.

  I finally pulled myself from the window and tended to Sunny. I set him down against my legs. He could almost sit without any support and could scoot himself around a bit.

  I took a look around the room and saw we still had enough supplies to last us for a week or so. Should we head out after Marcus? The car was already packed and ready or do we go in another direction leaving him forever. I was pretty strong for being a petite girl, but I was no hero. I didn’t know how to fight nor did I know if I could kill another human being, Jacks didn’t count. I would also have Sunny and leaving him anywhere unattended was out of the question.

  My only other option was to do as Marcus had said, we could stay here. Sunny was safe here and we had supplies, but it no longer felt homey it now felt like a penitentiary. I grabbed for the other gun and put it in my waistband.

  It’s been five days since Marcus was taken. Nothing new has happened we have simply been in hiding. Keeping Sunny busy and happy has become a chore. I can tell he misses Marcus. I too miss him badly. I feel lost without him.

  We are still hiding out in the same room and we haven’t move. I don’t even know if our car is still there waiting for us. I check the window often, but nothing has changed on the horizon. How much longer we c
an stay here? I do not know, but we are going to have to get moving soon.

  I can’t motivate myself to think about it. Because leaving this place would mean he really is gone. If we left he would never find us again, that is if he is still alive. I can’t just abandon him like that, he has done so much for us and in my heart I know that I love him.

  Again the tears come. It makes me remember everyone else I have lost. I have never let myself mourn the loss of everyone I ever knew. My parents were gone in the beginning. All of my friends had implants. They were all gone, but I was also saddened by others that I did not know well; the girl that sat behind me in homeroom throughout high school, the guy at my favorite coffee shop. Hell, even my bitchy landlord. Now Marcus too was one of them.

  Sunshine grabs for my hand and I realize he wasn’t there before. He was on the other side of the room.

  “Sunshine, did you just crawl over here? Wow, you’ve become such a big boy. Good Job.” His face lights up at the praise and I throw him into the air. I can’t believe I just missed him crawling.

  There was a loud sound from somewhere in the building. I grab my gun and hide Sunny around the bed. The sound is getting louder. It sounds like someone is walking. My heart jumps, are they coming to get us? I put my ear up against the door. There is definitely someone walking towards us. I only hear one set of footsteps. They stop right outside the door. I freeze for a couple of minutes. I decide it will be best to open the door with my gun at the ready.

  Just as I place my hand on the knob I hear something new. “Emma” it’s only a whisper.

  I open the door instantly and am frozen by what I see.

  Marcus is standing in front of me, but he doesn’t look like the man I saw five days ago. His pants are torn to shreds and he’s missing his shirt. That is not the surprising part though. He is covered nearly from head to toe in blood, obviously his own blood. His wound from the gunshot is wrapped in a blood soaked cloth and the skin on the rest of his body is covered with huge gashes. His face is badly swollen and his nose appears to be broken.