Sunshine Read online

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I still couldn’t get the images of the body parts out of my head. They had been real human beings like me. If they had come to the house I would have taken them in and accepted them as family. Now they were being torn apart by monsters. They must have put up a big fight, because one of the Jacks had a bad bullet wound to the neck that looked horribly infected. I couldn’t believe it was still alive actually.

  Later that night a large fight broke out. The screeches and grunts filled the forest. The wounded Jack tried to eat, but it looked like two of the others didn’t agree. They pushed him hard to the ground and when it got up to try again it got its head ripped off. This started a chain reaction. The others that hadn’t been involved joined in and it was pure chaos.

  One Jack snapped a smaller one in two and then got its brain smashed in with a rock. The sounds were horrible and I had to keep myself from throwing up. It frightened me that it still had the mental capacity to use a rock as a weapon. Finally, when it was all over, there was only one left standing.

  It had been badly beaten and could barely stand. This was my only chance. I jumped down from the tree and grabbed my rifle. It noticed me and came charging, but it didn’t stand a chance. My shot was perfect.

  I grabbed my pack and started running. I wanted to get the hell out of this place. I bottled up my tears. I didn’t even pay attention to my surrounds I just ran. I didn’t stop and I didn’t look back. I just ran.

  I had to be getting close to the house. I couldn’t see anything but an odd orange glow on the horizon. I ran even faster. I felt like my lungs were going to explode.

  As I got closer, real fear started to set in. It was our house and it was on fire.

  Where was my baby?

  It appeared the entire place was ablaze. I was coming up on the greenhouse there was no way I was getting in there, so I headed around to the front door. And there on the front lawn I saw them.

  Marcus was holding Sunny.

  “Sunny. Marcus” I screamed as if they were my last words.

  Chapter 15


  “Sunny. Oh my god what happened?” I couldn’t comprehend what was happening, I stopped myself just in time and yanked Sunny from Marcus’ hands. He looked ok, but shook up. I held him hard against my chest.

  “Marcus are you ok? What happened?”

  I couldn’t help myself from putting my arm around him. He looked very unraveled.

  “I don’t know what happened. You were supposed to be back and you never came. It started to get dark so I was going to come after you, but I couldn’t with Sunny. So I left Sunny up stairs, while he was sleeping and loaded up the truck to come find you. As I went to go get him I smelled smoke. I ran to the generator room and it was on fire. We must have been running it too much. So I ran up to get Sunny, but it had already spread to the stairs so I ran to the back set of stairs. Thank God those hadn’t caught yet. I thought the worst had happened. You had been killed by Jacks and Sunny had been killed in the fire. Both would have been my fault I’m supposed to take care of you two. Well I got to him as the fire was starting to come through the floor. We jumped on to the roof and got out safe. Everything is gone, Emma. Everything. I’m so sorry.”

  I took a long deep breath when he finished. This was a horrible situation, but they were safe. I had to comfort him as I could see he was an absolute mess. I guess he does have a heart after all.

  “It’s fine Marcus. You two are ok and that’s all that matters. We can find everything we need we are crafty. I’ve still got all my ammo and the rifle to keep us safe for now. Here you take them you’re a better shot. Nothing’s your fault. We were abusing the generator.”

  His face told the tale of how overwhelmed he truly was.

  “I shouldn’t have sent you out there. I was angry at you for no reason. What happened anyways?”

  “The gas station was a shelter for six Jacks. They had a store of dead bodies there that they were eating. I hid in a tree and watched them kill each other fighting. I shot the winner and ran straight here.”

  “I had no idea. I’m such an idiot. Sunny seems better. He really missed you.”

  I looked down at my son and he looked very tired.

  “We better get out of here. There may be Jacks around and the fire will attract them.”

  Marcus finally stepped away from me. I guess he was back in survival mood. “You’re right. There’s a house a mile down the road that might be safe. Here give me the pack. “

  I handed it over and then cradled Sunny in my arms. He coughed and I noticed his nose was running. He must have inhaled some smoke. I hope he’ll be ok. I didn’t have anything to give him to drink or eat. My poor baby, he had never had to live without dinner. I had always been able to provide for him in that way. Instead I sang him twinkle, twinkle little stars as we walked to our next temporary home. How many of these “homes” would we have to live in?

  Marcus was on full alert as if danger was behind every corner, and it was very possible it was. I had seen a different side of him just now. He spoke of us as his family. I guess we were a sort of family. The sort of family that a world made of evil would create.

  “Hurry up Peaches. You’re slowing me done. Don’t make me leave you two behind.”

  Well that was very, very short lived.

  Chapter 16

  Hungry mouths

  We made it to the house and after a quick check Marcus determined it was safe for the night. I could see the sky lightening through the window as I headed up to the attic. Marcus was in a very big hurry to get us safely upstairs. Sunny was fast asleep in my arms and they were starting to become very heavy.

  Marcus made us a makeshift bed out of some very rough blankets. I laid Sunny down and felt absolutely mentally and physically exhausted.

  “I can hold watch, while you catch a few Z’s”

  “Absolutely not, Smalls. You two are going to sleep here as long as you want. I’ll be on the roof.”

  He was gone before I could say thank you. He always seemed to do that. Before I could think another thought I was out.

  When I awoke Sunny was babbling very loudly into my ear.

  I moaned as I rolled over.

  He was staring right at me only inches from my face and smiled from cheek to cheek.

  This is why I was still fighting.

  “Morning Sunshine.” I rubbed his soft cheek.

  The sweet moment was promptly interrupted, however, by him sneezing very violently in my face. He then started to cry.

  “Oh my poor baby. You’re ok it was just a sneeze. I wish I had some food for you.” I got up and went to look for Marcus.

  I stuck my head out the attic window, but I couldn’t see him and he didn’t respond to his name. So I opened up the attic door and yet again no sign of him.

  I didn’t have a weapon, so I couldn’t go looking for him. We would have to wait.

  About an hour later he still hadn’t shown up and I became worried. It didn’t help that Sunny was still crying.

  I set him down in the blankets much to his dismay and climbed out the window. Maybe I could see him from up here. He could have headed back to the house to see if there was anything salvageable, but he should have told me first.

  God this was high. I didn’t see him anywhere. Finally when I turned to the other side of the roof I spotted him.

  Leaning against the chimney he was fast asleep. Waking him would be tricky. I took one last good look around. I didn’t see or hear any danger. The air had a hint of ash on it. The house must still be burning.

  He was very close to the edge and if I startled him he could possibly fall off or he could freak out and throw me over. I decided on being gentle.

  I bent down to his level and rubbed my hand softly over his cheek. Sunny’s had been as soft as a peach his was as rough as a pineapple.

  I used my baby tone, “Marcus, Marcus you have to wake up. Marcus wake up.”

  He moaned and took in a deep breath. He put his hand over mine and stokes it

  “Marcus, you need to wake up. You’re still on the roof.”

  “Emma” he sweetly murmured. My heart jumped a bit as he said it.

  He then violently opened his eyes as if a gun had gone off and ripped my hand from his face.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

  “Sorry I was waking you up. Be careful you’re about to fall to your death.” I snapped.

  “Oh. I feel asleep, shit. Are there any Jacks?”

  “No coast is clear as far as I can tell. I need to get Sunny food. Stay with him.”

  “There isn’t any food here. I ransacked this whole area. We need to move on.”

  “Well you look like your about to pass out again. So I’m going. I’m smarter then you so I’m sure I’ll find something. We can travel once you’ve slept and I’ve fed Sunny. Unfortunately for you he won’t stop crying till I find him food.”

  “No I can do it.”

  “Get over yourself I can take care of us. You keep the gun in case anything shows up. I saw a box of sport equipment in the attic with a bat in it.”

  “You barely survived your trip last night and then you had a gun. There is no way I’m letting you go out with just a stick.”

  “I’ll be fine. My son wasn’t starving then. I’ll be back soon.”

  I grabbed the bat and a fanny pack before kissing Sunny good-bye. I even patted Marcus on the back. I could still hear him throwing a tantrum as I walked out. Big baby.

  Chapter 17

  Private Hell

  I could still hear Sunshine crying as I neared the end of the road. I was headed towards our house. I wanted to see it.

  I remembered the way from last night, but even if I didn’t I had the smoke to follow. I could see it rising high into the sky. Once I got to the house the true damage reviewed itself in the daylight.

  The entire place was now just a pile of black smoldering rubble. Some parts were still standing, but they wouldn’t be standing for long. I walked around looking for anything to salvage. I, however, could see nothing.

  I finally came upon the garden. There by some miracle stood the gazebo. It looked perfect minus the layer of soot. I couldn’t help, but stand in it and it instantly felt safe. As soon as I stepped out it hit me.

  We were on the fucking run again. Run, run, run. Is that all I am going to do until I die? Was this really anyway to live? Maybe the Jacks should have the planet to themselves. It can be their own private hell. I don’t believe in God, never had. Now I felt I had been absolutely right. No God would let this happen. Well at least not one that people spoke of from the Bible.

  I could feel the anger running through my veins. This shouldn’t have happened. Someone, God or no God, should have stopped it. I tightened my grip around my bat and started to swing it destructively. I didn’t care what I hit I didn’t care if I hit anything. It just felt good to swing. When I opened my eyes I had badly damaged everything in sight and my metal bat was now badly dented. Man, what had I done. I was just as big of a baby as Marcus. How were two big babies that still throw tantrums going to keep a real baby alive? It was going to take a miracle for sure.

  Right, Sunny needed food. Get yourself together. I headed towards the woods determined to find him a meal.

  I was back a few hours later. I had found a jar of pears, crackers, and water in a house that reeked of death. I guess Marcus had missed it somehow. A truly horrible thing must have happened there, because most of the floors were covered in what I could only guess was blood.

  Sunny was happy with the food, but it wouldn’t last him long. Marcus and I hadn’t touched any of it. Marcus had perked up since I had gotten back. He was massively impressed, but told me I was never going to order him around again. He’s the one that gets to order me around. I wasn’t looking for a fight so I shut my mouth.

  We planned on spending one more night in the attic and then we would move on. Marcus had no suggestions, so I decided we would head South-East. My boat idea was still in the back of my head.

  In the morning Marcus volunteered to carry Sunny and we walked out the door yet again. Coming and going over and over again.

  It was an overcast day; I hoped it wouldn’t be an omen for the journey. Sunny still had a runny nose and it was now red from the rough washcloth I wiped it with. Maybe we should find him some medicine. So a drug store became my next priority in life.

  Chapter 18

  The Colors

  Today we arrived at a small town that looked absolutely pristine, yet another oasis in hell. It has been a couple of weeks of barely surviving; every night in a new place. Sometimes it’s a house, other it’s a vehicle, and one night the best we could do was a hunter’s tree stand. We only had one run in with a Jack. Marcus killed it in one shot. The other Jacks we saw were from a far distance or dead, rotting on the side of the road.

  We had yet to find any medicine. I had forgotten that most people no longer required medication for the common cold. They had their lovely devices in their brain to cure all. I also wasn’t sure what I was looking for. I had no idea what I could give to an infant.

  You could see the traveling and illness was really tolling on Sunny. He wasn’t the happy baby I knew. In fact we all looked pretty bad. We all lacked sleep, food, and peace of mind. Marcus constantly worried about Sunny and hovered. He wasn’t leaving us to scavenger anymore. Everywhere he went, we went, no ifs and or buts about it.

  This town, however, looked good. There was little damage from the Jacks, but that didn’t mean other survivors hadn’t ransacked it for supplies. We checked the first building, nothing. The second, a gas station, also had nothing. The third was better. We found some canned goods and a box of unopened cookies. It was a true treat.

  I headed for the bathroom inside I took a minute for myself. In the mirror a very thin women with wild brown hair and circles under her blood shot eyes stared back at me. I was no longer the pretty, delicate flower that I once was. This life was hard and it had taken its toll. I grabbed the brush nearby and tried my best to brush out my hair. I finally gave up and put it up. Then I opened up the cabinet and discovered a true treasure; children’s cold medicine. I quickly read the back and guessed on the dosage as it said I should seek advice from a doctor for children under the age of two. Things were looking up.

  I quickly gave Sunny some and placed my hand on his forehead. It was very warm, yet he was shivering. This was not good.

  We moved on down the street to the local mom and pop. Inside we found a few containers of formula. I couldn’t believe our luck. Now we just needed a good place to hunker down for a little while, just long enough to catch our breath.

  I spotted a church at the end of the road. It looked solid and probably also acted as a bomb shelter if need be. Marcus didn’t like it, but for some reason it spoke to me. It was incredibly beautiful inside.

  The stain glass depicted biblical scenes that I did not know. The colors, however, were breath taking. The pews were very ornate and had to have been hand crafted. It was magical. I truly felt a sense of peace. If this is what it felt like to go to church, why had I not done it before?

  Marcus was not impressed, of course. It made him feel uneasy.

  “Maybe if you weren’t such a sinner then you wouldn’t feel so unwanted.”

  “I’m not a sinner, I took you in didn’t I. They should make me a saint. Saint Marcus I like it.”

  “There’s already a Saint Marcus you ding bat. I’ve never been to church and even I know that.”

  “Yeah, yeah smarty pants. Come on lets finish the tour so we can sit down. My feet are killing me you going to rub them?”


  The place was empty. This must be a catholic church, because there was a confessional. Marcus made me check it. It made him anxious for some reason.

  Marcus brought out some supplies and a mattress from what must have been the pastor’s quarters. Or was he a father, I had no idea. Sunny didn’t care about the sentiment
of our new home. He wanted out of my arms.

  I changed his diaper and realized he had a bad rash. He also was now cold to the touch, my poor little one. Marcus filled a bottle and feed Sunny. For some reason he liked Marcus more than me these days. I went into the bathroom hoping for some more supplies. There were the usual supplies, but there were also some antibiotics. I had no idea what they were or what kind of infection they would fight, but it was my only option. Too bad they had expired nearly two years ago.

  When I got back to Sunny he was still drinking so I took his bottle added one crushed pill and gave it back. The cold medicine looked like it was working because he was asleep just as he finished his bottle.

  Marcus headed up to the bell tower to look for danger and I took a seat in a pew to reflect on my thoughts.

  Chapter 19


  I got up to check on Sunny he was now sweating so his fever must be breaking. He’s a fighter like his mama that’s for sure.

  I reclaimed my seat on the pew. It was uncomfortable yet comfortable at the same time. Marcus walked in looking very smug. I think he too misses having a place to call home.

  “What are you doing, Sweets, praying to a nonexistent God?”

  “No, I’m just sitting here.”

  He sat down beside me and propped his legs up. I’m sure this was very improper, but who cared anymore.

  He looked like he was modeling for a photo shot. He still had his cowboy hat and he was wearing a very tight black shirt. He looked stressed, but he had only become stronger these last couple of weeks. The shirt sleeves looked like they were struggling with his arm muscles.

  “What are you looking at?”

  “Nothing, are there any signs of Jacks?”

  “Nope. I didn’t see anything. I think we are safe in here for the night.”

  “Good. You know what I was thinking about?”